Sunrise Sequence -Full Body Stretch (10 mins)- perfect way to wake up your body
-begin in Child’s Pose- arms reaching toward top of mat- sway gently, side to side
-walk hands over to the left- Right hand stacked on top of left, sink back into right hip
-walk hands over to the right- Left palm on top of right, sink back into left hip
**breathing in and out through the nose**
-Come to tabletop position- shoulders over wrist, hips over knees
-begin a few rounds of cat/cow- inhale, drop the belly raise the gaze; exhale draw belly button up toward ceiling and round through back
-take 3 or 4 rounds of cat/cow- inhale shining the heart forward
-raise up on toes, and send hips skyward- feels like a handstand for upper body
- then press into full downdog
-take hands a little wider than normal in your downdog and bring movement to the lower body- “walk your dog”
-slowly and with ease, walk your hands back to meet your feet
-forward fold- take “rag doll” here- letting arms hang or holding opposite elbows- can hold stillness or gently sway side to side
-inhale ½ way lift and lengthen- draw hands to knees, look forward, and pull shoulders away from ears
-exhale forward fold
***repeat the inhale ½ lift and exhale forward fold 3-5 times***
-gently bring knees back to mat
-step the right foot forward- sinking into low lunge
-hands to knee, pushing heart forward- squeezing inner thighs together
-left hand to mat, come up on toes and straighten left leg (low lunge)
- send right arm skyward- rotations ribs open to the right- draw left hip forward, and right hip back
-release and sink back in Child’s Pose or Downdog
-Repeat by stepping left foot forward and sinking into low lunge on this side- doing steps proceeding this
-sink knees to mat and take a few rounds of Cat/Cow to release and open up
-rounding of last cat pose take all the way back to Child’s Pose
-come to batakanasana- butterfly- inhale sit up nice and straight, exhale fold forward- find the length and then drop the head and letting weight fall off shoulders- take several conscious breaths
- set an intention in this fold for the rest of your day- a word, a phrase, a personal mantra
-come to cross legged position, hands at heart center- take 3 deep breaths - inhale through the nose and big, open mouth exhale out of the mouth
**If you like essential oils try diffusing lemon and peppermint or spearmint and eucalyptus as you do this sequence**
Routine to Restore and Prepare for a Good Night’s Rest (10 minute sequence perfect right before bed)
-lay on mat, or bed- bend into knees, feet flat on mat, mat width distance apart
-place right ankle on left knee- flex into right foot- and pull left things closer to face- basically doing pigeon pose on your back
**big inhales and exhales through nose, head and shoulders should be heavy on mat**
May want to place a block or pillow under head
-look at right foot, and let it fall to left side of body- coming to earth if possible, but don’t force anything- feel stretch in outer right hip
-gently hold right shin with left hand
**knees are heavy, soften the jaw and space between eyes- using deep breath to send energy to the right hip
--repeat everything on other side- left ankle comes over the right thigh
-uncross legs coming back to center- soles of feet under knees
-take feet to sides of mat and let knees fall in to touch- restorative pose
-hand to belly, hand to heart-take 5 rounds of deep breath (inhaling and exhaling through the nose)
-gently come to an upright seated position
-come to a wall, position hips about 12 inches from wall
- swing legs up the wall-slight bend in knees- should feel supported and relaxed- don’t straighten knees all the way out
-head is heavy on the ground, arms relaxed down at sides, palms facing upward
**I used a block under by head to release/support my neck**
Stay here for at least 5 minutes 10-15 is optimal
**Highly recommend that you diffuse a lavender essential oil while doing this sequence