Flows and Meditations that Focus on the 7 Chakras-these are suggestions of poses to incorporate as you lead Chakra themed classes; these would not be the entirety of your practice
Root Chakra (Muladhara)- energy, stability, comfort and safety “I AM” - located at sacrum
Where the journey begins- survival, basic needs, ground your energy
Foundation for the other chakras- kicks off energy from root of spine
Visualize a red ball of light/energy
Associated with the Earth element
Warming effect
Suggested Practice Poses-incorporate a lot of GROUNDING and BALANCE (dig deep roots)
Triangle series
Extended side angles
Balance poses- highly recommend Tree and Warrior 3
Several forward folds as well as wide legged forward folds
Hero’s pose
*emphasize grounding through feet and grounding, spreading roots through sits bones
**repeat idea of heat(i.e.,molten lava) going up the spine
End of Practice and Lead into Meditation
-comfortable seated position- legs crossed, hands palm down on knees (prop hips on blanket or use a wall for support if needed)
-visualize red ball of energy/light
-hands to heart center, slightly dip the chin
Use following guiding words, cues:
feel and visualize your connection to the physical world, notice how your skin forms to your body
Imagine your sits bones rooting into the earth growing down deep all the way to center of earth where there is a big, warm, fiery ball of red energy
Visualize you sprouting more and more roots, deeper and deeper
Bring your attention to your connections, your heritage, your history of belonging - your roots
Access your past, recall pleasant memories, times of life
Visualize how you are planting new seeds that are taking root and spreading out through your home, family, community, work place, place of worship
“I AM” statements: I am connected, I am rooted, I am grounded, I am energy, my energy takes root and spreads
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) - sensuality, sexuality, pleasure and sociability
“I FEEL” - located at genital area
Navigating Change- flow with life, ride the waves
Desire, creativity, change
Deepest desires
Visualize orange glow
Associated with element water
Relate to the idea that water can be peaceful and calming, yet also destructive- just like the highs and lows of life- good times and bad
Just as the Earth needs water to grow, we need fluidity and movement to feel healthy and enjoy pleasure of being free in our own bodies
Suggested Practice Poses- incorporate a lot of fluidity and flow with movements- more Vinyasa than Hatha - A LOT of hip openers and lunges
Cat/Cow free flow, fluid, roll, lean, “crazy” version- move however and wherever it feels good
A lot of hip openers and hip rotations
Downdog- repeat 1 leg up and inhale in to nose 3-4 times and then do other leg
Low lunge - rotate out on foot and roll to side (lizard/dragon)
Squats- different heights, come up and down on toes, low V and dance/sway through malasana (yogi squat)
Standing and rotate arms forward and back (swimmer strokes)
Lateral flexions to both sides while standing
Runner’s lunge and straighten up into pyramid- flow and back and forth between these two poses
Pigeon- standard or on your back(floor/ground)
Figure 4 (seated) forward fold- straight out and then do fold with leg open wide- both sides
Downdog to wild thing
Plank to side plank- flow back and forth- be sure to do both sides
*emphasize fluidity, free flow throughout practice
**cue to feel alive in your body, ride the waves of your practice and of life- yoga practice, as is life, is different day to day that’s why it’s called “practice”
End of Practice and Lead into Meditation
-comfortable, seated position- prepare for breath work
-breath work like fanning a fire- elbows in at hips, inhale and exhale fanning hands (fake clap)
-cue the building of liquid energy/chaos- hands almost together in front of pelvis- feel the energy between space of hands and at genitals
-all about surfing change and imbalance- visualize water at naval
-then visualize turbulent ocean at novel
-if feeling unbalanced- place hands palm down on knees with thumb and index fingers touching
-yogi choice of - a cup of water with both hands or 1 hand down and other in the mudra
Use the following words/cues:
Taste salt water; winds of change on skin, waves of emotions
find/feel orange glow at space below naval and notice as it expands
You’re in the water, swimming to the surface- go toward the orange light of the sun
On the surface, everything is moving back and forth- invite constant sea of change
Accept and embrace life is about constant change and movement
Benefit of the orange, bright, chaotic liquid is removing the obstacles and breaking down the tension
Start grounding back down- just like rain falls from sky
You can surf the waves of life and find connection and stillness beneath the surface
Change is inevitable- you have the power within to surf through change with grace
Hands in prayer at heart center
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)-strength, personality, power, determination
“I DO”-located at the naval
Ignite your power- self-idenity
Self- esteem, your purpose
Energy of purpose brings us forward
Confidence, will power, taking action, build inner heat/fire
Visualize golden gem center
Associated with element of fire
Suggested Practice Poses- incorporate reminders about root chakra(matter), sacral chakra (movement), and now this series takes those deeper by creating a raw, fiery energy
Several forward folds
Warrior 2s- deep and hold
Runner’s lunge- hold and twist arms to side, arms overhead and then shoot back- leaning forward lead with your heart
Drop to knee from runner’s lunge and take back bend- sending solar plexus/naval and heart forward
Planks- sprinkle throughout practice and hold for 5 breaths- at least 5 planks in practice
Downdog- lift one leg, bend into knee, open and stack hips
Inhale knee to nose and exhale leg back up- 3 times
Pull leg all the way through- open and twist to side
Incorporate at least 3 Vinyasas in addition to opening with Surya Namaskar As/Bs- hold the up dog pose during these Vinyasa’s - building that heat at solar plexus
Chair- at least 2 times in practice ( can use breath of fire here)
Chair and twist- both sides
Revolved prayer- both sides
Release back with folds
End with forearm plank - cue: “fire up your belly”, “go low, abs up and in”, “shoulders up and back”- hold for count of 20
Balance back on heels or press toes into earth
End with cross legged hip stretch
Forward fold over legs
Use the following words/cues throughout practice:
Pull in naval
Fan the fire
Build heat
Feel embers glowing
Be mindful of your strength and power
Take action- stir up your energy
Find your inner fire, your burning desires
End of Practice and Lead into Meditation
-comfortable seated position
-close eyes and visualize fiery, yellow center
-balance your fire within and your ego
-move from external desires of power, achievement and status to finding and igniting your inner fire and power
-shift your thoughts from power, energy center being related to outer power- your job, status, who or what you have influence on AND
-move focus toward inner power- transform your strengths, your power, come together
-hold tight to image of yellow,fiery ball of energy “I am connected and ready to transform
Heart Chakra (Anahata)-acceptance, love, compassion, sincerity “I LOVE”-located at the heart
Open your heart
Intersection of the chakras- the bridge between physical and mental world
Energetic center of chakra system
Invitation to heal and return to wholeness
Extra love, healing and compassion
Visualize a green 5 pointed star
Associated with element of air
Suggested Practice Poses- incorporate a lot of Warriors and Lunges to open the heart
Arms overhead
Arm circles in both directions
Circle arms out, around and back during Warriors and Lunges
Incorporate a lot of cat/cow and cobras- leading with the heart, opening the chest/heart
High lunge- arms up and back; low lunge as well
Chair pose- can go low and place palms on thighs and cat/cow from chair position
Arms in front like holding a serving tray and open up and take back
Forward folds with arms clasped behind
Low lunge with arms up and back
Cat/cow to Downdog
Downdog to plank- take 5 mini cobras
Downdog- lift leg, bend at knee, stacking hips to high lunge- both sides
Cartwheel to Warrior 2 and reverse Warrior 2- in Warrior 2s take arms wide with palms facing up
Downdog- take Vinyasa to Downdog
Warrior 1 to pyramid - rock up and back- both sides
Use following words/cues throughout practice:
Visualize clouds, air and whiteness
Shine your heart forward like a flashlight
Ribs stretch - they are protector of the heart
End of Practice and Lead into Meditation
-comfortable, seated position
-hands at knees- thumbs and index fingers to touch
-deepen the breath
-sits bones evenly grounded
-feel chakra 1- rootedness, connectedness
-feel chakra 2- water flowing over you and your riding the waves of life
-feel chakra 3 - fire in your belly, desire, passion, creativity
-feel chakra 4 - air to heart- glowing orange light- growing the space of light in your heart
-that light grows up through your head to the golden sky (sunrise/sunset)-take the goldeness of the sun back to your heart; inhale air and love and exhale light
-take upper body inside the ball of light
-bring light to center and picture it expanding out through your entire chest
and ribs out into the world
-open heartedness requires trust, gratitude, gratefulness, and forgiveness (compassion)
-slowly bring the light back in “I AM” light and I glow bright at my heartcenter
-bring palms to heart- breathe in to inflate space beneath palms, widen and exhale- 5 times
-rub hands together vigorously building heat and place them over eyes
-inhale and open mouth exhale - at least 2 times
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)-communication, expression, creativity, inspiration “I TALK”-located at the throat
Speak your truth
Purifier of words and thoughts
Through vibration truth comes out
Speak our truth to self and others
Create clear path from heart to head
Where our thoughts and words unite
All about communication and just as important in regards to listening as speaking- find balance or imposing on others or not speaking up enough
Visualize bright aquamarine jewel
Suggested Practice Poses - start with vibrating breath on throat and Lion’s breath
Cat/cow using Lion’s breath
Child’s pose to downdog
5 - ½ sun salutations
Flow through series of Surya Namaskara As and Bs- 2 each
Low lunge with back leg down- open arms wide to open throat
Warrior 1 with eagle arms- dip chin to chest- release back of neck
3 legged dog- knee to nose; to side angle; to reverse warrior
Vinyasa and repeat on other side
Child’s pose- arms in diamond shape
Sit back on heels or a block
Light, gentle seated twist
Bridge- roll arms and shoulders under- clasp hands at tailbone
Knees to chest
Use following words/cues throughout practice:
Open throat- focus on closed ujjayi breath
Relax jaw
Release back of neck and open throat chakra
End of practice lead into Meditation
-comfortable,seated position- arms low V by side, fingers gently touch earth
-visualize large blue/green ball around throat and shoulders
-inhale for count of 3, hold for count of 5, exhale for count of 10- repeat 5-8 times
-hands to knees- palms down
-notice energy around, in, nad behind throat
-visualize clear, crystal blue ball- pure thoughts and words
-hands to gently to throat- vibrate breath- OM (sound of the universe)
-slowly open eyes and take in color blue
-place 2 fingers at pressure point below jaw line at throat- press gently
- remind students/self that words spoken should be true, necessary and kind
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - intuition, lucidity, meditation, trust
“I SEE”-located at the space between the brows on forehead
Trust your intuition
Vision- life; new season
Gut feeling
Internal GPS- in balance
Avoid “scatterbrain”
Clear destination--visual action steps to get there
Perceive and Command
Visualize deep, dark blue
Suggested Poses for Practice - focus on attention to third eye- rest head on mat/block
Begin in Child’s Pose- head resting on block or mat/earth
Step to top of may and take several forward folds- intentionally drag hands down third eye area as you come to heartcenter
Downdog- knee to nose
Lift leg back up to 3 legged dog and go down to low lunge
Fuse hands together in prayer- thumbs gently press at third eye (repeat other side)
Stand in Tall Mountain Pose at top of mat - take arms/biceps back and open gateway - 3 times
Inhale arms overhead and push air down
Vinyasa to wide arm cobras- to Downdog
Come to pyramid pose- exhale folding forward and inhale up- 3 times
Lunge, twist and open to both sides
Balance- Eagle pose, push into Warrior 3 - do both sides
Lower and humble your warrior with eagle arms on both sides
Tall Mountain Pose- repeat bicep press back
Vinyasa to downdog and then to Child’s Pose
Sit with soles of feet together, folding forward, rest forehead on block
Use the following words/cues throughout practice:
Focus negative thoughts to positive
Let your Third Eye be like a flashlight that shines out
End Practice and lead into Meditation
-sit in cross legged position
-index finger to thumb
-close your eyes and envision a stained- glass window at your Third Eye
-bring hands to heart center in prayer and then take thumbs to Third Eye and make the “MMMMM” sound
-say perceive and command
-shine line inside and outside
-visualize a beam of light coming from your Third Eye- the light shines out, and then comes back down to you
-what we think, is what we become- visualize who you want to be, what you want to be
-see a prism of color at your Third Eye- the colors and light shifts and changes with life- be at peace with it
-we all have universal thoughts and wisdom- wish for and hope for the same level of love, connectedness, having needs met
-be sure to give yourself the light you give to others
-bring hands from heart center back to Third Eye- take 3 big breaths
-bring hands to gently cover eyes and “seal in the color”
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)-knowledge, consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality “I UNDERSTAND”-located at crown of head
Open and surrender
Mystical crown
In touch with your higher being/Divine
Interconnectedness with universe around us
God, Energy, Higher Power, Divine
Awareness that we are not our thoughts
Bliss that is felts in Savasana
Complete integration
Violet in color
Suggested Poses for practice- incorporate full body movement- rolls, sways, free flows
Stand at top of mat (hip width)- body rolls - all the way up and all the way down- arms spine and awakens all chakras
Arms overhead and press air away- 3 times
Tall mountain pose- 3 breaths to get grounded
Take a vinyasa- feel the fluidity- awaken Chakra 2- sacral chakra
End in downdog- walk hands back to feet- bring arms up
Chair pose - Fires up Chakra 3- solar plexus
Take feet apart shoulder width- inhale up and open arms wide- opens Chakra 4- heart chakra
Hands to prayer at Third Eye
Exhale hands on top of head in lotus shape - connecting to your spiritual realm
Arms up- bend and grasp opposite elbows-lean to right and roll down and around (sundial pose)- repeat in opposite direction
VInyasa to Downdog- several breaths and settle in
Low lunge- bring hands to lotus at crown
Move to runner’s lunge and lift hands out long
Vinyasa and do previous 2 on other side
Vinyasa to Downdog to Child’s Pose
Come to tabletop to Downdog- take right leg high and pull knee to nose- push right leg back up and then step it all the way through to set up for pyramid (inhale ½ way and down 3 times)
Vinyasa to Downdog to Child’s pose and repeat previous step
Vinyasa to Downdog
Come to plank and lower to earth
Forearms on ground and take dolphin- crown of head to floor/earth
Lower to sphinx - 3-5 breaths
Child’s pose
Seated pose- spinal twist
Seated wide legged stretch- to each side and then fold to center
Lie on back- lift right leg skyward, drop gently to right supporting with hand- back to center and do same with left leg
Words to say/cue throughout practice:
When hands in lotus- listen and receive
Listen to your body, it knows what it wants/needs
Do what feels good to you today
Go to your edge but not over it
End practice leading into Meditation
-comfortable, seated position
-hands loose on knees
-consider doing Breath of Fire- inhale is passive and exhales are fast and sharp
-Breathe in and out- send awareness to low part of spine- root chakra, hold and breathe here
-big inhale visualizing breath traveling up through body to crown of head - light is gold and hold breath here
-envision the world as your teacher - seek guidance from the Divine anytime
-bring attention to crown of head- envision receptors and signals- believe in what is bigger than you
-imagine yourself under a black blanket of sky with millions of stars and galaxies expanding above you and all around- lighting the way
-make the connection between the crown of your head and stars- you have infinite wisdom
-remind yourself that you are not alone or separate- we are all connected, we are all one
-be open to receiving and downloading wisdom for the Divine and others
-send breath back down through body- energy flowing down through all chakras to the root